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Twitch Hitler Ascii

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Twitch hitler ascii character

Twitch Hitler Ascii Meme


Twitch Ascii Generator


Twitch Hitler Ascii Meme

Twitch Ascii Generator wrote:
> ascii swastika shown below.
> German national socialists did not call their symbol a swastika. They
> called it a Hakenkreuz, or hooked cross and they used it to represent
> crossed S-letters for their socialism (see the work of the symbologist
> Dr. Rex Curry).
> Journalists and others (who claim that the nazis defamed the
> 'swastika' symbol) are actually the ones who continue to defame the
> 'swastika' by never explaining what the nazis called their symbol nor
> what it represented for the German national socialists. The old media
> pretend that they want to alleviate the problem, but they perpetuate
> the confusion, and in a sense they ARE the problem, because they will
> not explain the points above. They are vulgus profanum.
a swastica is usually standing on one of the flat sides, not on the
corner. It was artwork of Adolf Hitler himself, who had the idea to
change that, and to put a black Hakenkreuz standing on the corner in a
white circle onto red background (referencing the colors of Deutsches
Reich as well as the red background of socialist flags at the same
time). You can see the result here:

'Hakenkreuz' is just the German word for 'swastica'. And yes, I'm a
German native speaker ;-)
The SS runes are the next misunderstanding. They're not standing for
'socialism', they're meaning 'Schutzstaffel' (protection squadron),
because this was the name of an organisation which was originally
founded for guarding Adolf Hitler. They started as bodyguards, and were
developed into as well the organisation who were driving the
Konzentrationslager (concentration camps, and therefore murdering the
prisoners there, implementing the Holocaust) as well as the organisation
who were repressing the people (and peoples) and torturing, as well as a
military organisation of manic killers as special forces. The latter,
the Waffen-SS, were later developed into an army.

Therefore you will not find one single S rune with the Nazis, everytime
there were two of them. Even on typewriters you'll find that pair, i.e.:

'If /dev/null is fast in web scale I will use it.'

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